
Chapter 2: Dangerous Flaming mad Delinquent

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I saw it again..
A boy...
Red hair and eyes..
burns like a scorching sun and blazing fire..
Looked at me with the eyes of a hunter..
He was at the same age as me...
He came to me like a song bird flies towards to me as his long red hair flying around..
He's like a phoenix...A Flame-Haired Blazing Eyed Phoenix...

"GaaaaaaH!! Curse you, Adonis Hunter!!" Shouted the monster ball towards him but the boy-I couldn't imagine on how he did-instead of running away he kicked like it was a soccer ball,


sending it to the wall. How could I was surprise that he ever kick it so roughly with a stern-look on his face, He doesn't even looked fazed at all and looked at me.

"Who do you think is she?" The boy asked  while looking at me, I expected that he didn't actually talk to me..He talk to someone else.

"She possessed a power that prevents her from being infected by the green smoke. Quite resilient of a human girl like her..." another voice was answered underneath his collar. That is Alastair, Adonis of Fire of Atonement, the guardian of that boy, he was in form of a pendant...I was amazed by his beauty of his long red hair and his cold eyes--quite attractive, isn't it--

Back then, I was scared and confused due to my anxiety and telling him on and on of "what's going on of this place and people!!" but that boy, I know he's pissed due to my excessive talking in panic, shush me by putting his finger on his lips as the monster baby attacked him from behind, looking angry "Curse you, Red Bird! I'll gobble you up"
"We'll see about that, won't we?" Said the boy coldly, at that moment, jumps in the air with his sword engulfs with fire, his body covered in fire too, and then, swings his swords in circular swipe from his left arm--fashionably looked like Kyo's ura 108 shiki orochinagi like style- slice the monster to crisped.

As the monster is dead, he raised his hand to resuscitate all of people who was infected with his special powers.
Strange, I feel a calm energy from this boy, It was warm and breezy, like a mother's arms around me. When I woke up, everything's gone to normal, they looked like it's nothing happened. But, the boy as not there.

"Where were you? I just heard you were screaming! Are you alright?"
"Yes..But the boy..?" I said again but I decide not to say, I went blurred.
"Boy? Who is the boy?" Yuka questioned
"Never mind" I said sadly "maybe I was just tired..I'm going home"

Then, far away from me and Yuka, the boys is sitting on the tree, watching from afar while eating ice-cream with a stern-eyes.

At home, I was lying down with my clothes unchanged on the bed thinking back at that time when the boy saved me from those monsters that attacked me. I didn't get a chance to save thank you as he left. If I tell anyone about it, nobody will believe me, even these guys will made fun of me if they placed a red card on my locker room.
Stupid me!
I would've died
I would want that boy left me to die!!


a voice from out of nowhere when I closed my eyes..

"You want to die that bad? Some lame excuses!"  a voice came again, this time is annoying
"Who are you? Why did you come an save me and then left me confused when anyone don't remember what happened?"
"Hmph! I tried not to...just that you are so fragile..for a stupid girl who yearns to die!"

--Doors open--
"Hitomi, what's wrong? What are you shouting at?" Said Kazuma while open the door, concerned
"Oh! Nothing..Just..talking to myself" I said
"Well, come down and have dinner. Miyako just cooked for the three of us"
"but before that, take a bath and change your clothes" urged Kazuma.
I was relieved that time but still unease about the voice earlier.

At Sakurasou Elite School, I went to my class after one of the student again got a red card-for other reason; having his clothes smeared ink- I rather being invisible with my lunchbox and school bag inside the classroom. There I heard Ushio tells an odd story about what he sees..but looks like I'm not the only one who saw it..

"It's true..I never lie! I've seen it!"
"'re funny Ushio"
"Hirai-san" I asked Hirai why she's laughing "What's so funny? Looks like fun!"
"That nerd Ushio said he saw a red haired girl last week" Hirai answered with a laugh
"It's true! While we're at the amusement park, I was outside the candy bar to buy cotton candy. Then, suddenly, I saw a strange person jumps in action and her hair turns red.."

Hirai and Yuka laugh at that story "You guys don't believe me?" shouted the nerd angrilly.
"Well, I bet you watched Sailormoon anime much and talking nonsense!!"

Sorry, Ushio..I do saw a person with a flaming red hair but..for your information--IT'S A BOY!-- Then, Our homeroom teacher Mizuho came "Good Morning, class. Today, we have a new student here. He just moved in from Korea"
"New student from Korea?"
"i bet he's cute!"
"But not as cool as the famous F4!!"
That's all the girls thinks. "His name is Amaterasu Satoshi, have a greet "Annyeohasseo" to him"
"Annyeohasseo, Naneun Amaterasu Satoshi imnida! (Hello, everyone, I'm Satoshi Amaterasu, nice to meet you)
What surprises me that it was the same boy that saves me but..why his hair is short in a bob-cart style and it's black but his eyes in blood red, wearing a school uniform.
All the girls falls into his charm despite he's not smiling..Even boys? They whistle at him in affection, remarkably how pretty he is..but...Korea? He can speak? I don't know much about it so It's quite a language barrier to me..
Amaterasu? It sounds like a name after the Goddess of the sun and Satoshi means "wisdom"..
Is he the same person? Or different?
"Ah.." then, the nerd Ushio suddenly brought up "you're that girl?"
"Excuse me?" He sounds confusing, or pretend to be, "Who's the girl? I don't know you"
All the classroom started laughing at him for brought it up something I don't want to show, I don't enjoy their laugh as the teacher scolds Ushio don't judge people or you'll get a red card from the F4, something bothers me.
"Amaterasu-kun, what seat you want to sit?" asked Teacher Mizuho with kindness
All the girls wants him to sit with them and I hope it's not mine but instead..he chose to sit beside me at the window. That's when I talk to him

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Why are you want to asked?" he questioned me in return. How angry I am when he behaves like that. "I'm telling you! Why are you here?"
"I was told to watch over you"
"To make sure you won't leak out your witness that you saw me fighting against these creeps"
"The Adonis..the one you saw is just a lesser one.."
"I'm not interested on revealing a secret" I scoffed
"I didn't ask you that. Just to made sure that you wont.."
But, I won't let him finished "STOP JOKING AROUND!" with all the people started looked at us but this boy didn't seems to fazed, but I can tell he's angry at me interrupting his sentence. You guessed right? Mizuho said "Kasugano-san, what are you screaming at?"
"No, miss..nothing" I bumbled
"Good. and If you made fuss one more time, you'll be sent to the hallway" she threaten that,
This is where he said in Korean after I sit down. He said " gijibae ga..jinjja pabondae" (That girl..really stupid!) I don't understand much but one of my classmate understand Korea (K-pop) fan boy tells me that, really? I was mad but i was stay cool. After Teacher Mizuho left, all boys and girls gathered around to get to know him of other stuffs, and he seems had no problem talking to them while I sit there with my friends.

It's English time, everyone is study, some tried to look away from that teacher, Miss Harada, she can be very bossy and strict at times, unlike Teacher Mizuho. Nobody dare to talk back at her, except for Satoshi, having his ears piercing with MD, had not paying attention at all which angers Teacher Harada. I tried to talk to him but Harada was in a way, shouting at him.


That's what happened. As soon Satoshi turned off the MD and unplugged his ear-piece, he gave a frightful glare at Teacher Harada, making her scared.

"YAH! (Hey!) You don't think that i ever forever not listening to one of lectures? Just because I plugged my ears but that doesn't mean I don't paid attention of hearing. I am listening to your bossy nagging and your childishness and messing with other students with their poor academy. Oh, by the way, I know English well! "Once upon of time in a far away land, lived a princess named Snow white. Her vain wicked stepmother, the Queen, fearing that one day Snow white surpasses her own. So, she dresses up in rags to hid her beauty as the queen telling to the magic mirror. "Mirror,mirror, on the wall. Who is the fairest one of all" As long the magic mirror says "you are the fairest of all", Snow white is safe from her wrath" Remember that!"

Once he says that with his accurate English, Teacher Harada shocked and cowering in fear at his excellent English pronunciation. And then, he goes back listening in his MD. Then, it's recess time. Kazuma brought me a lunchbox and he made a tempura don! Thank god and ready to eat but this time something bad happens..Domiyuji of the F4..grabbed my lunchbox.

"Heh! Looks like we've got a prey. Hey, little girl. Who ask you to sit here? We've haven't seen you for a while...Oh are you trying to run away from me?" This time, he threw it in front of me and stomped it, like my important things crushed in front of my eyes "If you want to eat, then...HERE'S MY FIST!!" As soon his fist came to my face, someone grabbed his hand with force.

"Yah! Neo eenom ah!! Daeche Mwohaneun go ya neo!!! (Hey! You Jerk!! What The hell are you doing?) It was Satoshi that stopped the punch. He looks angry and somehow, showing his brute self at Domiyuji, who show his arrogance towards him.

"Hah? Oh it's the new transfer student." Then, he grow coldly towards Satoshi "Get outta my way, brat!I want teach this girl a lesson for coming to our territory"
"What would you want to do that?" Said Satoshi, I assumed he's angry. "You threw that lunchbox she ate given from her big brother made it so far to make her feel ease. Those are made from a family love. What would you feel if your food get crushed?"
"Maybe~no!" He said without remorse, making Satoshi even angrier. "You never have feelings for those you have oppressed. You're just having fun making them suffer?"
"OF COURSE! This is my battleground and my territory. So, who ever gets in my way or my other members will receive a red card..." Then, he started to punch Satoshi "AND GIVE THEM A KNUCKLE SANDWICH!" I screamed as soon he reached his fist on his face, Satoshi dodged it in a full speed, making Domiyuji flustered. Then, out of nowhere, a kicked from the side hit at his face, sending him flying which he thought "That way..." and falls to the ground. Who would have thought Satoshi can ONLY one stands up bravely kicked the leader for my sake which anyone doesn't had a guts to do it. For the first time in my life, I've never felt so grateful that he do it for me of my stead. I've never felt this way before.
"He just kicked Domiyuji without hesitation?"
"That means...God had sent us our saviour!"

Then, as Domiyuji gets up, Satoshi angrily stamps his foot with a thump "You who had trampled the weak and sending them out without consideration are just a cold-hearted bastard like you. You who inflicted thousands of innocent people with such violence and making fun on the weak and allowing to strong ones tramples the weak ones...are much of a scum..You got some nerve hurting a silent girl who just want to be herself without get caught by the likes of you..till anyone that have just witnessed..YOU WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!" One of his followers shouted at Satoshi.
"You little bastard, What was that for? Hurting Our bosses like that.."
"URUSAI!URUSAI!URUSAI! (Shut up! Shut Up! Shut Up!)" Shouted Satoshi in a fit of rage, sending them cowering in their feet. "I'm not asking for your boorishness!"
Then, he turn on Domiyuji, who got scared at his brute strength. "You may are the son of the Rich Family, you can do anything this place as your battleground, but don't ever trying lay a finger on the weak. Because if you do, Next time it will be your head I'm going to crush" said Satoshi while cracking his knuckles. "If you ever..EVER..hurt someone who doesn't want to fight, I'll be here to face you bit by'll get your cheeks to ask for my fists! YOU GOT THAT?!"
"Yes" whimpers Domiyuji as the two grabbed him, seemingly amazed on how he manage to kick somebody who is stronger and bigger than him. Then, Rui came, patted his shoulder and smiled friendly speech "Nice kick you got, kid" Satoshi answered in a relaxed manner "anytime, sempai!" then, Rui left as their followers followed them, only the few stayed as they witnessed Satoshi's brute strength save them, hailing as a hero. Some said "Hero of Justice" some others even called him that earn a nicknamed "Dangerous Flaming Mad Delinquent" by those who feared of his brute strength and his fierce flame of Anger. But, i never seen him so charismatic when all of them who oppressed by Domiyuji hailing him.
"That guy is so cool!" Yuka impressed "He just kicked that slutty Domiyuji with an ease"
"Huh? What? What kind of kick is that?" I questioned
"You don't know? Man, you should read about Tae Kwon Do books. The kick he used called "Roundhouse Spinning kick" Used for offense"
"Yeah, It's the same Kick. Just like the girl from other school do the kick on Dao Ming like he did" Hirai impressed too. I guess they were right, he is something that the others did. Like went on the way home as Satoshi comes to sleepover. We talked.
"That was amazing kick you got" I said shyly "When did you learn to kick that way?"
"Well, I used to trained Tae kwon Do much. Black Belted, Just a way of cooling down. I can't help it if they being controlled by those freaks" he answered. "Besides, he's just a snot-nosed kid who putting his nose where it doesn't belong. I can't just sit here do nothing"
"But, What if they put a red card on you locker room" I was worried that he'll get humiliated but he seems determined "If they dare to do that, then I'll be ready to crush their bones if they want to pick on me!"
Somehow, I find you scary when you're angry, especially when you said "shut up!" three times in a row with anyone ask you questions or embarrasses you or much worst...made you mad.

"Mama..please let me in!! I promised I'll study!" a girl crying out of nowhere hurting our ears. That's Misato, our classmate who had a worst marks in her test and she got kicked out by her mother for that.
"Misato? What are you doing outside? You get 30 marks in your test paper?" I said in consideration
"Yeah" Sobbed Misato "Each time I get a worst test, my mom cut all of my allowance and told me to get from my house. My brother also said the same thing to me! How could he talk to his own sister?" cried Misato and wailing and wailing, it hurts my ears. Just then, Satoshi came to that door and somehow sounds mad. "Does your mother kicked you out because of that and your brother treats you like you are stupid and wishing for a smart sister?"
"Why?" asked Misato who ceased crying. And--Dear me-- I never imagine that Satoshi could actually kicked the door with force, broken to pieces, causing Misato's mother and younger brother surprises at the intruder.
"Are you Misato's mother" Satoshi asked in a very politely manner
"Urm..urm..yes..that's me" said Misato's mother, seemingly scared
"You should consider your child or else her cries will disturbing the neighborhood and might think that you've abused you daughter"
"Why should we?" said Misato's younger brother boldly "I wishes to have a smart sister and she's nothing more than a jest. Hey, Girly! Would you mind knock the door than rudely kicked the door.."
But Satoshi won't let him finish "Bold words from an unrepentant little brat. If you want to stay alive, stop calling me "girl" and treat you sister better or else you might get some a huge impact from my wrath, kid!" His words causes Misato's brother sending to his feet crying behind his mother" Waaa, mommy!" But, Misato's mother seemingly fine although a little scare from his sudden anger "Yes! Yes! I'll consider that" and calling out her daughter "Misato, come in quickly!"
"Thank you very much, Satoshi!" Said Misato "you know, Hitomi-chan! I wish to have a friend like that"
"What? You've mistaken!" I tried to have reason but "But. I'm so glad that he manage to scare my rotten little brother. Serves him right! Making a fool outta me! HMPH! See ya, Hitomi-chan" She left as Satoshi politely fix the door he broke earlier. But still, I got mad at him for his behaviour, "What was that for? That's their problem, not yours!"
"Of course it's not my problem. Beside, her cry might disturbed the neighbors!" he said coldy
"That was rude to kick someone's house, you know! Hey! Hey! I'm talking to you" I tried to have reason even though he never hear me until then"...Hey Satoshi! I'm talking to you!"
"Let him be" a voice came the pendant.
"What?" I saw a pendant around his neck. "you are?"
"I am Alastair, Adonis of Fire of Atonement. Pleasure to meet you, Hitomi Kasugano"
"How did you know my name?"
"Both Satoshi and I know your name we first met when he fought the lesser Adonis"
"Why are you asking me to let him be?"
"He get used to that nagging. It's best not to anger him! he's not in a mood to talk"
"Don't worry much. We are sent to look after you since you saw us fighting with the Adonis where you involved. So, I think that we should keep an eye on you" Then, Satoshi finally talk.
"Because...Some other bigger enemies might after you as well...they are after something inside you..but we don't know much..perhaps it might be leading me and Alastair to look for a jewel"
"What Jewel?"
"Jade Jewel of Yuihwa"
I've heard that name once when the monster calls me "Yuihwa"
Does that mean...I don't know much of it..
I need to know..why these monsters called Adoni calling me "Yuihwa"

--End of Chapter 2--
Next Chapter-> Kurei the Sun Dragon
Satoshi terrorizes the elite school students and teachers with his excellency of speaking english, maths and anything and bravely kicks the F4 leader and declare war against them for spilling someones food and stomps it. Hitomi was surprises and dismayed at his rudeness of kicking someones door while on the way of going home.
© 2014 - 2024 s0ph14luvukn0w
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